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Transfer Report

For a variety of reasons, college students now routinely attend multiple higher education institutions to achieve their academic and career goals. Nationally, more than one-third of college students transfer at least once, with most staying within the same state.

Wisconsin’s 16 technical colleges often serve as an entry point for students with four-year degree aspirations. Lesser known is that they also provide valuable options for four-year students seeking to transfer to a technical college.

Because receiving institutions maintain student records, this report’s primary focus is on students who transferred credits to one of Wisconsin’s 16 technical colleges.

Read or download the report by using the link below.


Icon–Wisconsin state with arrows


of students transferring credits were coming from a University of Wisconsin institution




credits were transferred to a technical college in 2021-22


Icon–Person on laptop


of students transferring to a Wisconsin technical college had a bachelor's degree or higher

Wisconsin's technical colleges are a high-quality, affordable start and a destination for transfer students.

White and red certificate icon


students transferred to a Wisconsin technical college in 2021-22


students transferring to a Wisconsin technical college enrolled in the Health Sciences field


of students transferring to a Wisconsin technical college transferred from a college outside of Wisconsin