Agribusiness Agronomy Technician | WTCS Skip to content

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Career Area: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Technical Diploma
Program Number: 31-006-4
Offered Completely Online
Approximately 1 Year to Complete
This is based on full-time enrollment. Actual time to completion may vary based on the availability of courses a college offers and the number of credits the student takes in any given time period.
Credit Program
Most credit programs are eligible for financial aid, while most non-credit certificates provide valuable work-related skills on a short timeline. Check with the college offering the program to determine if it is eligible for financial aid.
Average Annual Tuition: $4,386
This is based on one year of full-time enrollment for in-state students. WTCS tuition is set by the Wisconsin Technical College System Board in March for the following year. It does not include books, materials or program/college-related fees.
hands holding a seedling field in background

Agribusiness Agronomy Technician Careers

Recent Wisconsin job postings for this degree:

Agronomy Service Representative
Agronomy Technician
Crop Production Specialist
Crop Scout
Certified Custom Applicator

Agribusiness Agronomy Technician Programs

Crop production is a high-stakes business that demands a solid foundation in science. With the growing use of precision agriculture applications and regulatory constraints, you will need more specialized skills. This program will give you a deep understanding of the science and technology of using plants as a source of food. You will get hands-on experience producing a crop, keeping pests away, making soil more fertile, marketing commodities and managing a farm. Agronomy technicians help farmers get maximum production from the land using the latest technology.

Agribusiness Agronomy Technician Part of a Career Pathway Program Transfers Offered completely online Shared Program
Fox Valley Agribusiness Agronomy Technician at Fox Valley
Mid-State Agribusiness Agronomy Technician at Mid-State