Band Saw Filer | WTCS Skip to content

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Career Area: Manufacturing
Local Certificate
Program Number: N/A
Approximately 2-6 Months to Complete
This is based on full-time enrollment. Actual time to completion may vary based on the availability of courses a college offers and the number of credits the student takes in any given time period.
Credit Program
Most credit programs are eligible for financial aid, while most non-credit certificates provide valuable work-related skills on a short timeline. Check with the college offering the program to determine if it is eligible for financial aid.

Band Saw Filer Careers

Recent Wisconsin job postings for this certificate:

  • Benchperson
  • Band Saw Filer

Wisconsin Technical College Band Saw Filer Programs

If you meet the admission requirements and prerequisites, courses for this program may be available at various campus locations through multiple modes of delivery.

Graduates will be able to
Maintain, align, and time band saw grinders
Use measuring tools and equipment
Apply trade-based formulas
Bench band saws (level and tension)
Fit band saws (swage, shape, and grind)
Weld band saws using MIG and Oxy Acetylene torch equipment
Maintain saw guides
Align band mill
Practice personal safety when handling saws

NTC offers the only accredited Band Saw Filing Certificate program in the United States.

Band Saw Filer Pathway Certificate Program Transfers Offered completely online Shared Certificate
Northcentral Band Saw FIler at Northcentral