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Career Area: Business, Management and Administration
Pathway Certificate
Program Number: 61-106-6
Offered Completely Online
Time to Completion Varies
This is based on full-time enrollment. Actual time to completion may vary based on the availability of courses a college offers and the number of credits the student takes in any given time period.
Credit Program
Most credit programs are eligible for financial aid, while most non-credit certificates provide valuable work-related skills on a short timeline. Check with the college offering the program to determine if it is eligible for financial aid.
Administrative Professional

Office Technology Careers

Recent Wisconsin job postings for this certificate:

Administrative Professional

Wisconsin Technical College Office Technology Programs

Businesses depend on high-quality, accurate information. If you value organization, care about details, and understand the importance of clear communication and current technology skills, developing those talents with the Office Technology certificate may be just what you need to succeed.

Office Technology Pathway Certificate Program Transfers Offered completely online Shared Certificate
Lakeshore Office Technology at Lakeshore