Practical Nursing (LPN) | WTCS Skip to content

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Career Area: Health Science
Technical Diploma
Program Number: 31-543-1
Approximately 1 Year to Complete
This is based on full-time enrollment. Actual time to completion may vary based on the availability of courses a college offers and the number of credits the student takes in any given time period.
Credit Program
Most credit programs are eligible for financial aid, while most non-credit certificates provide valuable work-related skills on a short timeline. Check with the college offering the program to determine if it is eligible for financial aid.
Average Annual Tuition: $4,585.5
This is based on one year of full-time enrollment for in-state students. WTCS tuition is set by the Wisconsin Technical College System Board in March for the following year. It does not include books, materials or program/college-related fees.
Nursing student working with simulated patient

Practical Nursing (LPN) Careers

Recent Wisconsin job postings for this degree:

Licensed Practical Nurse
LPN Staff Nurse
Practical Nursse
LPN Charge Nurse

Average Median Wage


Practical Nursing (LPN) Programs

The Practical Nursing (LPN) program enables students to acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes needed to become qualified, competent practical nurses. The practical nurse, under the general or direct watch of a registered nurse, physician, podiatrist, dentist or optometrist, is prepared to takes on a role in nursing in basic to very complex care giving situations. The program includes lectures, demonstrations and supervised practice at different health care providers including hospitals, nursing homes, home health and family practice or community care settings.

Shared programs expand access to programs that are in high demand both by students and employers. It involves two or more colleges entering into a formal agreement, which lists which program components will be offered at which college. In some cases students may be asked to attend a college outside of their current district to fulfill the program requirements. To learn more about this shared program, please contact one of the colleges listed above.

Practical Nursing (LPN) Part of a Career Pathway Program Transfers Offered completely online Shared Program
CVTC Practical Nursing (LPN) at CVTC
Fox Valley Practical Nursing (LPN) at Fox Valley
Gateway Practical Nursing at Gateway
Lakeshore Practical Nursing at Lakeshore
Madison College Practical Nursing (LPN) at Madison College
Milwaukee Area Practical Nursing (LPN) at Milwaukee Area
Northeast Practical Nursing (Technical Diploma) at Northeast