
median salary for all apprentices

of apprentices were working in Wisconsin
Whether you're interested in cutting-edge fields like IT and Advanced Manufacturing (like Mechatronics - combining mechanical, computer, and electrical engineering) or more traditional careers like cosmetology, bricklaying, or child care, apprenticeships offer a unique blend of hands-on experience and classroom learning. They enable you to earn a wage while acquiring industry-specific skills, making you highly competitive in high-demand job markets.
You can use a search to dive deeper into the world of apprenticeships and see the many career options, potential salaries, and requirements for completion. Whether you're starting your journey or ready to take the next step (perhaps following up an apprenticeship with an associate degree), these exciting career pathways combine tradition with innovation.
An apprenticeship program is an excellent choice because it provides real-life opportunities that cannot be duplicated in any other training program. Apprenticeships are available in three main trades - construction, industrial/manufacturing, and service.
Apprenticeship includes supervised, structured, on-the-job training and classroom based learning. Workers learn both the practical and theory aspects of a highly-skilled occupation in two to five years.
The purpose of apprenticeship is to prepare Wisconsin's skilled trades people (journey workers) to the workforce for the State of Wisconsin. Apprenticeship is an earn-while-you-learn program of on-the-job training combined with trade-related classroom instruction.
How to Get Started
In order to begin an apprenticeship, you will need a formal commitment from an employer-sponsor who is willing to meet employment and training requirements. After the agreement is made between student and employer, the next step is to locate the Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (BAS) contact in your area for assistance and more details. They will oversee the apprenticeship and help ensure your opportunity is the best it can be.
How it Works

Apprentices work and train under a contract or written training agreement. This contract is between the apprentice, the employer, and the State of Wisconsin. While under contract, the employer agrees to teach the student the skills of the trade and the apprentice agrees to learn the skills involved. Other conditions of the contract, such as the length of training, amount of pay, the rate of periodic pay increases, and the related classroom hours are also covered.
Apprenticeships are not direct-enrollment programs. Each type of apprenticeship has different requirements. Apprenticeships are governed by standards set by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development - Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (DWD-BAS).
To become an apprentice, applicants must:
- Be employed by a company who will sponsor their apprenticeship.
- Be at least 16 years old and possess a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma (HSED).
- Be physically and mentally fit for the requirements of the specific apprenticeship.
- Apply for an apprenticeship with a DWD-BAS approved trade committee or similar agency/organization or employer.
- Meet the application requirements and be approved for the apprenticeship.
- Enroll in an approved apprenticeship training program at a technical college or training center as stipulated in BAS standards.
- Maintain satisfactory progress in the course of study throughout the term of the apprenticeship.
On-the-Job Training
The potential apprentice must have an employment opportunity as the most basic requirement for any apprenticeship. Apprentices are paid (on average) at least 60% of the wage of a skilled worker over the term of their contract. The employment opportunity is the first and foremost requirement for any apprenticeship.
Classroom-Related Instruction
Apprentices are paid an hourly wage to attend related instruction sponsored by employers, employer associations or labor/management groups with the ability to hire and train in a working environment.
The related instruction is theoretical and technical, and is usually provided by the Wisconsin Technical College System. Related instruction is a key part of each apprenticeship and is required by the Wisconsin apprenticeship law. If the apprenticeship is for two years or less, the related instruction is at least 144 hours per year. If the apprenticeship is for more than two years, then the school provision must be for no less than 400 hours during the term of the apprenticeship.
Did you know??
Wisconsin's Edvest 529 savings plans can be used for Apprentice-related expenses
Apprenticeship Contacts

Apprenticeship Completion
The annual WTCS Apprenticeship Completion report summarizes employment outcomes for registered apprentices completing related instruction through a Wisconsin technical college.
While individuals appreciate the ability to earn while they learn, and earn well, employers are increasingly interested in the idea of hiring and then developing necessary technical skills.