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Affordable Education


Icon–Graduation cap inside location graphic


median salary six months after graduation for associate degree grads



of graduates are satisfied or very satisfied with their technical college education


Icon–Person on laptop


students attend Wisconsin's technical colleges each year

An affordable investment in your future

Students working on robotic machine

Tuition at a Wisconsin technical college is much lower than most other colleges and universities. That allows our students to graduate or gain their desired credential with less debt and on their way to a successful career.

In addition to being lower, tuition is consistent at all 16 technical colleges. Check with your college of choice about any additional fees or requirements based on your chosen program.

The tuition rates are set by the Wisconsin Technical College System Board in March for the following year. While tuition does not include books, materials or program/college fees, there is often help available through programs like Open Educational Resources, or other grants and scholarships to help students succeed.

A quality education

Tuition is the same at all Wisconsin technical colleges and is much lower than most other colleges and universities.

Annual Cost of College Tuition and Fees
WTCS Tuition is set by Wisconsin Technical College System Board in March for the following year. It does not include books, materials or program/college-related fees.
Wisconsin Technical Colleges $4,585.50
UW Two-Year Institutions, avg. (includes fees) $5,364
UW Four-Year Institutions, min. (includes fees) $7,466
UW Four-Year Institutions, max. (includes fees) $10,896
All Four-Year Institutions (average public out-of-state and private non-profit) $35,345


Wisconsin Residents

Degree and Diploma Programs:

$152.85 per credit

Wisconsin Residents

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees:

$192.20 per credit

Out of State Residents

Degree and Diploma Programs:

$229.28 per credit

Out of State Residents

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees:

$288.30 per credit

Two students studying together in library

Financial Aid

Many of the programs offered by the 16 colleges are eligible for financial aid, and many factors determine the level and types of aid students receive. Learn more about the Free Application for Student Aid and other available programs.

See Financial Aid Options
Students taking a selfie in campus common area

Scholarships and Promise Programs

Financial assistance is also offered at many Wisconsin technical colleges. Some of our colleges offer Promise Programs and other assistance making college possible for qualified, low-income students.

Find Scholarships
Faculty member talking with student in office

GI Bill

Under the Wisconsin GI Bill, qualifying veterans and their eligible spouses and children can qualify for remission of up to 128 credits or 8 semesters, whichever is longer. Check with the college of your choice to see how you may qualify.

See Benefits for Veterans

Admissions Contacts

Graduate Outcomes Publication Cover Image

Graduate Outcomes

Wisconsin's technical colleges deliver consistently strong employment outcomes, including 93% of 2021 graduates in the labor force reporting they were employed within six months of graduation.

Read the publication online here or download using the links below.

Learn More