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Business Consultation


Icon–hand with mechanical wheel


of employers surveyed said a technical college was important to the overall success of their business


businesses consult with a technical college annually


Icon–Graduation cap inside location graphic


of employers would hire a Wisconsin technical college graduate again

Helping Your Business Succeed

Two people chatting in office common area

You can choose training on your campus or ours. Whether you are working to achieve a specific industry certification, automate business processes or improve safety, compliance, productivity or efficiency, our colleges can move you closer to achieving your business goals. 


Consulting with our colleges to receive technical assistance tailored to your business needs is easier than you think. Reach out to your local college today.

Expert Consultants

Wisconsin's technical college business consultants have the industry experience and connections to give you confidence that they will understand your goals, and what is needed to achieve them.


Contact your local technical college today to identify your specific business goals, and the assistance that will move you quickly in the right direction.

Contact the employer specialist at a college to get started