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Grow Your Network


Icon–hand with mechanical wheel


of employers said a tech college was important to the success of their business



of employers would hire a tech college grad again


Image Asset Icon Medium–Machinery


incumbent workers receive customized instruction through a tech college each year

Create a valuable network

Close up of hands on computer keyboard

When you connect with technical college faculty, staff, students and leaders, it creates a valuable network that will serve you and your team very well.

Serve on a Program Advisory Committee. Donate equipment. Support scholarships. Collaborate in hands-on career awareness and exploration. The rewards are limitless - for you, and your community.


Two people chatting in campus common area


Among other benefits, when you connect with technical college faculty and students, it can result in a talent pipeline, succession planning and technical assistance that will support the growth and success of your business.

Student on laptop smiling

Supporting the Next Generation

When you collaborate with your local technical college, or open your doors in support of hands-on career awareness and exploration for all ages, it builds and sustains interest for generations.

Student working on machine arm

Hiring Students

Serving on a Program Advisory Committee for a program that feeds your business is a great way to connect with faculty and students and get a jump on identifying talent.

Contact the employer specialist at a college to get started