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Graduate holding degree up above crowd

Wisconsin's technical colleges deliver thousands of skilled graduates each year who provide the talent for employers in every sector and region of the state ... or who become employers themselves.

Thousands of technical college graduates and apprentices start prosperous careers each year that keep Wisconsin employers competing and communities thriving, with thousands more continuing their education in pursuit of a four-year degree. Others become the newest small business owners, providing great careers for the future grads.

Graduate Outcomes

Wisconsin’s technical colleges provide leading-edge instruction that increases the economic vitality of students, employers, and communities throughout Wisconsin. The result is that our students routinely find employment before or shortly after graduation.

Our graduates are essential workers and leaders in the communities they serve throughout Wisconsin.


Icon–hand with mechanical wheel


of employers believe a technical college is important to the overall success of their business


of graduates live and work in Wisconsin


median salary for all degrees 

WTCS graduates consistently demonstrate strong earning potential.

White and red associates degree icon


Associate Degree median salary

White and red certificate icon


Two-Year Diploma median salary

White and red certificate icon


One-Year Diploma median salary

White and red certificate icon


Short Term Diploma median salary


Median salary for all degrees six months after graduation

Graduate Outcomes Publication Cover Image

Graduate Outcomes

Wisconsin's technical colleges deliver consistently strong employment outcomes, including 93% of 2021 graduates in the labor force reporting they were employed within six months of graduation.

Read the publication online here or download using the links below.

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Five Year Graduate Follow up Publication Cover Image

5-Year Graduate Follow-Up

Five years after graduation, Wisconsin technical college graduates are essential workers and leaders in the communities they serve.

The technical colleges surveyed nearly 26,000 2013-14 technical college graduates, with more than 6,300 responding.

Read the publication online here or download using the links below.

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Employer Satisfaction

High-quality employer partnerships are essential to the continuous improvement of our colleges' programs and services. In addition to working closely with employers in the development and delivery of tech college programs, Wisconsin's technical colleges also routinely survey employers to allow them to evaluate programs and graduates’ skills. The System’s proven, sustained track record of delivering positive graduate outcomes is a testament to the value of these local employer partnerships.

Employers in every sector and in every region of the state rely on Wisconsin’s technical colleges in order to compete and grow.


were satisfied or very satisfied with technical college graduates’ education

9 out of 10

employers said that tech college program grads met or exceeded expectations

Employer Satisfaction Publication Cover Image

Employer Satisfaction

High-quality employer partnerships, in every economic sector and region of the state, are unique to the our colleges' programs and services.

The result of this employer engagement in the development of technical college programs is consistent value for employers and a proven, sustained track record of delivering positive graduate outcomes.

This report summarizes the most recent employer survey results, an effort to gauge satisfaction with WTCS programs and graduates’ skills. This survey is conducted every four years.

Read the publication online here or download using the links below.

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Registered Apprenticeship combines structured, on-the-job training with classroom instruction. Apprentices learn the theory and practice of a highly skilled occupation in two to five years and are paid for their time on the job and in the classroom. Wisconsin’s technical colleges work closely with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD)-Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (BAS) to meet employer needs in the area of apprenticeship, providing the classroom instruction for apprenticeship programs in the industrial, construction and service sectors.

The interest of employers and individuals in this earn-while-you-learn model continues to grow.


Icon–Money sign with envelope


median salary for apprentices 


of apprentices were satisfied with their paid-related instruction


of apprentices were considering continuing their education

2021-22 WTCS Apprenticeship Completion COVER

Apprenticeship Completion

The annual WTCS Apprenticeship Completion report summarizes employment outcomes for registered apprentices completing related instruction through a Wisconsin technical college.

While individuals appreciate the ability to earn while they learn, and earn well, employers are increasingly interested in the idea of hiring and then developing necessary technical skills.

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