Truck Driving (CDL Class A) | WTCS Skip to content

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Career Area: Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Technical Diploma
Program Number: 30-458-1
Approximately Less Than 1 Year to Complete
This is based on full-time enrollment. Actual time to completion may vary based on the availability of courses a college offers and the number of credits the student takes in any given time period.
Credit Program
Most credit programs are eligible for financial aid, while most non-credit certificates provide valuable work-related skills on a short timeline. Check with the college offering the program to determine if it is eligible for financial aid.
Many Over-the-Road Truckers are also entrepreneurs

Truck Driving (CDL Class A) Careers

Recent Wisconsin job postings for this degree:

Commercial Driver
Contractor/Truck Driver
Pick up and Delivery Driver
Parts Delivery
Dump Truck Driver

Average Median Wage


Truck Driving (CDL Class A) Programs

This short-term, System-wide credential consists of shared program outcomes and minimum hour requirements set forth by the WTCS Truck Driving Consortium (TDC) and in compliance with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations.

The credential is also recognized System-wide by participating TDC Member Colleges: students who successfully complete the theory or road and range training component(s) at a TDC Member College may transfer that coursework to any TDC Member College to continue their training.

Over-the-road (long-distance) truck drivers are professional drivers who deliver goods between locations hundreds or thousands of miles apart. Local truck drivers move goods from terminals and warehouses to factories, stores and homes in the area. Skilled drivers maneuver trucks into tight parking spaces, through narrow alleys and up to loading platforms. This program offers training in local and over-the-road truck driving. Students experience classroom lessons and exercises with the semi tractor/trailer.

Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) training is offered across the System at various WTCS colleges. All training complies with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and State of Wisconsin regulations, including Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) and Human Trafficking Training requirements.

Many WTCS colleges offer their own credentials, known as Local Certificates, in CDL training such as Class B, School Bus, etc., and all colleges that offer CDL training provide Continuing Education Courses and Contract Training tailored to local student and employer needs. Available coursework may include offerings in CDL Permit Preparation, Pintle Hook, Coupling, Offset Backing, Collision Avoidance, ELDT Theory, etc.

WTCS CDL training providers meet human trafficking training requirements by:

  1. Successful student completion of Truckers Against Trafficking online training
  2. Dissemination of Labor Trafficking informational materials published by WisDOJ